Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Music Genome Project

1. Upload your movie to your blog. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. You can also upload it to YouTube and embed it into your posting to save time.]

2. A) Identify your chosen musical genre & B) say why you chose it.

I chose Classic Rock for my project. I chose it because it is what I listen to most of the time. My favorite bands are all from this era.

3. Describe your did you go about finding your songs and information?

All of the songs I used came from my iTunes. I had a lot of songs and bands to pick from, so it was tough to narrow it down. I got my information on classic rock from a couple of different websites I found online.

4. What different kinds of technology did you use to compile your project? [Web tools, Mac tools, etc...]

I used GarageBand to mix my music in and then saved it to my iTunes. Then I uploaded it into iMovie where I made my project. I also used iPhoto and Photoshop to edit some of my pictures that I found online.

5. What are you good at...what went well for you in this project?

I thought I did a good job with my transitions. I also think my text matched up well with the pictures or videos, and the music that was playing.

6. With what did you struggle on this project...what was difficult for you?

The most difficult thing for me was getting my live videos to match up with the music. In a lot of the videos, the song seemed to be faster or slower than the version I used from iTunes, and it made it hard to line up perfectly.
7. Did you decide to use still slides? Why or why not?  [If not, how did you convey your information?

I did use still slides because I wanted to show some pictures while also making it easier for the viewers to read my information.
8. For what other classes, situations, uses could this type of project be adapted?  

I think iMovie is a very useful tool and I think I could make videos for projects at school and of anything I really felt like making just for fun.

9. What new techniques or technology tools did you use in this project that you've never used before?  Be specific.

This was the first real project that I completed in iMovie. Once I figured out how to use it, it was very simple.

10. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976?[...not just that you cited the information, etc., but how did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?

A lot of my images I edited myself. Also I only used the video from the Youtube videos that were in my project. I got the music from the songs in my iTunes that I have already bought awhile ago.

11. Would you do another project like this on your own? Why? Why not? 

I think if I had enough free time I might make another project like this. I had a lot of fun working on this project and I think it turned out really nice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Movie Reflection

1. Upload your movie to your blog or embed it from YouTube.

A. To what degree did you work toward team goals? (Please explain your answer) 
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement

B. What specific tasks and duties did you perform as a member of this team?

C. To what degree did you offer your gifts, talents, and time as a member of the team? 
(Please explain your answer) 
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement

D. To what degree did you take action as a member of the team? 
(Please explain your answer) 
Leader, Very Active, Somewhat Active, Had to Be Told What to Do

E. What makes you most proud about your movie and why?

F. If you were going to make any changes to your movie, what would they be?

A. I think I was very good at completing the goals my team gave me. I thought we pretty much all contributed to the project in some way and I think it turned out very well.
B. I had to find pictures to use for the movie during clips where we were not interviewing people. We got pictures from Mr. Irwin from the olympics but he did not have very many pictures. I had to find some pictures off of the Peoria Notre Dame website.
C. I thought I did an excellent job giving my time and talents to my team. I tried to give as many ideas as I could to the team so we could figure what direction we wanted to go.
D. I think I was somewhat active. After we all decided what we wanted to do in our video and finished our interviews, I wasn't able to do much. I felt like the editor in each of the groups had to do most of the work in iMovie during the projects.
E. I think while watching the movie I was most proud of the answers given by the people we interviewed. I thought they gave really good answers and it made our movie really good.
F. I think we should have explained more about the houses and how they work instead of doing a lot of interviews. I think we asked people how they liked the houses and we never really explained what the houses are and what they do.

Monday, April 11, 2011

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format. If it is still too big, re-export in a smaller format. You may also choose to upload it to YouTube and embed it on your blog.]

2. What tools and techniques did you use to create your podcast?
3.  How could you use a project like this in other classes?
4.  In the “real world,” how could podcast projects be used (In what careers/businesses, etc.)?
5.  In this project, what did you get good at doing?

6. What was the most difficult part of the assignment?

7. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? 
[...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?

8.  Would you do a project like this on your own?  

9. If you were going to make any changes/improvements on your podcast what would it/they be?  ...and why?


2. I used GarageBand and uploaded music and parts of the movie from YouTube, and edited them to fit into the Podcast.
3. I think I could use GarageBand to make other projects I might have. I like presenting videos instead of reading in front of a class.
4. I think some of the things we used are also used in radio stations or by broadcasters announcing things like sporting events.
5. I got good at editing out sounds that I didn't want in Podcast to make everything fit together and sound smooth.
6. I think the most difficult part was figuring out how to add the sound clips I downloaded into my video and moving my recordings so they don't play at the same time.
7. I repurposed and added value to the pictures and sound clips by adding music and describing the movie by myself so the pictures go together with it and people can understand what part the pictures are in the movie.
8. I think I might do a project like this by myself if I had a lot of free time. I had fun doing it, but it did take pretty much an entire day to put it together.
9. I would have added more pictures to my podcast, because it seemed like everyone else's project had a new picture for everything they said.

Friday, March 25, 2011

iPhoto Name Reflection

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format.]

2. List the search terms (words) that you used to find images (for the letters of your name and the images that describe you) and why?

3. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.

5. This was a more creative project than our first 2. Did you prefer it or the more cut and dry assignments in Word and Excel?

6. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? [...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?


2. For most of the letters I found off the internet I went to Google Images and googled things like "objects that look like the letter (insert letter)". For my pictures of one of my N's and my R, I thought of things that look like that letter, like the St. Louis Arch for an N, or a faucet for an R.

3.I learned how to work iPhoto and how to upload pictures from Photo Booth to iPhoto and make a slideshow out of them.

4. I could use these skills in the future to make other projects using the slideshow in iPhoto.

5. I think I do better when I follow step by step directions like the first two projects. However, I did like being able to be creative and making this project into what we want it to be.

6. I repurposed and added value to the pictures and the music by using them to describe myself.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charity Letter Reflection Page

1. Take a screenshot of your charity letter and add it as a picture to your blog posting.
2. List the name of your business and its charity.
My business was Coca-Cola and my charity was the American Red Cross
3. How did you get the audience’s attention in the first paragraph?
 I described to them what kinds of services the American Red Cross does.

4. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I mail merged contacts into my letter so it would send the letter to multiple people.
5. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?
I thought the easiest part of the project was finding contacts for the letter using a website online.
6. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.
I could use this by sending a letter to multiple people.
7. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? 
I learned how to mail merge contacts into a letter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1. Take a screenshot of your spreadsheet and add it as a picture to your blog posting.

2. What is a template? [If you use an definition from an online source, be sure to tell me from what website it came.]

3. What tools/functions in Excel did you use to create your project?
4.  What other skills did you use/learn in this project?
5.  What “extras” (colors, decorations, etc.) did you add to your project?
6.  What are some other uses you may have for a simple excel spreadsheet?

2. A template is a generic model of something that helps you create something.

3. I used AutoSum to add the candy, and to average the number of different colors in each of the bags.

4. I learned how to highlight to different columns so when I averaged the numbers I could control where the average showed up.

5. On the Pie Chart I changed the colors so they would correspond to the color on the M&M's.

6. Other uses might be making lists, creating a financial budget, or managing an event or a project.

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Me

I would like to learn how to use PhotoShop and other applications available on my computer. I would like you to talk to me about my grades through email. 
This is a picture of me scoring a goal in one of my hockey games. This represents me because hockey is my favorite sport and I have been playing it for almost my whole life.